Veterinary Cardiology Specialty
We prevent, treat, and diagnose kidney diseases and functions of this system.
We know how important the well-being and happiness of your pet is to you, that’s why we work every day to provide the best service.
Why is it important to take a pet to this specialty?
We are the first Hospital in Mexico that has a medical team with Nephrology Subspecialists
We are the first Hospital in Mexico that has a medical team with Nephrology Subspecialists. Kidney disease is one of the most frequent pathologies in dogs and cats; Chronic kidney disease being the second and third cause of death in cats and dogs, respectively. It is estimated that 10% of dogs and 30% of cats older than 15 years develop kidney disease: unfortunately, once the disease is diagnosed, most of the time, it is irreversible. However, with the appropriate treatment and follow-up, it is possible to slow down the progress of the disease, or stop it, in some cases, by going to a nephrologist which allows greater chances of success.
Acute kidney disease puts the patient’s life at imminent risk, therefore an early diagnosis, adequate and treatment can save their lives and is decisive so that they do not present sequelae or these are mild.
What Nefrology diseases are there?
- Chronic kidney disease that refers to alterations in the functionality or structure of one or both kidneys for more than 3 months. The causes are multifactorial, for instance, it can originate as a result of the administration of some drugs, infections, genetic predisposition, congenital alterations, heart disease, endocrinopathies, etcetera.
- Acute kidney disease refers to the sudden failure of kidney function; the origin is multifactorial and can occur due to other diseases, sepsis or poisoning.
- Glomerulopathies secondary to infections, immune-mediated processes, amyloid deposits.
- Tubulopathies such as Fanconi syndrome, among others.
Estudios disponibles de Imagenología imagenología:
Equipo moderno de Alta Gama.
Donec non arcu urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus.
Morbi fringilla elit odio, non fringilla nisi mollis id. Quisque ultrices orci justo, et suscipit sapien condimentum sit amet. Pellentesque luctus feugiat ligula, ut vehicula mi bibendum non. Fusce euismod pulvinar felis at pharetra. Morbi fermentum dictum nunc, id ornare felis egestas faucibus.
Veterinary Nephrology
Specialty Hospital
We know how important they are, all decisions are made by you.
It is important that you know that our job is to show you what is the therapeutic plan for your pet indicated by our health professionals, and what is considered the optimal way to safeguard its life.
The owner is the only one with the power to choose which of the routes we propose best suits their choices, and possibilities, and we always respect that.
Specialty Hospital
We know how important they are, all decisions are made by you.
It is important that you know that our job is to show you what is the therapeutic plan for your pet indicated by our health professionals, and what is considered the optimal way to safeguard its life.
The owner is the only one with the power to choose which of the routes we propose best suits their choices, and possibilities, and we always respect that.